If you are having uncontrolled high blood pressure, it may lead to many health issues as it is dangerous and well known as silent killer. Health problems it may cause to you are heart attack, stroke, angina, coronary artery disease, kidney disease, vision loss, etc.
Many are not aware that they have high blood pressure until their heart gets damaged or blood vessels are weakened in the brain, that’s why you must get it checked regularly. Hypertension within the range of 120-139/80 -89 is said to be normal condition by doctors. Though the blood pressure at higher level is dangerous, it can be controlled.
Do you know what will cause high blood pressure? There are two elements in our blood sodium and potassium that manages the pressure in our veins and arteries. If there is any imbalance of these elements in the blood, there will be fluctuation in the blood flow. If sodium level increases in the blood, it will cause major hypertension along with obesity, stress, and lack of physical activities.
Here are some easy things you can do to manage high blood pressure:
1. Exercise: -
A minimum of 30min of exercise will help reduce the blood pressure. Brisk walk is an excellent solution for reducing blood pressure and improves cardiovascular health. Try if you can do jogging, swimming, dancing, or aerobic exercises.
2. Ease Up on Salt: -
Salt is another prime factor which raises blood pressure. One way to cut this is to prepare food at home always. 75% of sodium comes from outside food or packaged foods. Intake of more potassium which is richly found in bananas, raisins, tuna, and milk will help in flushing out sodium from your body. So a small effort can bring a lot of change.
3. Reduce the stress in your life: -
Long term stress can lead to high blood pressure. Try to work on mind body exercises like Yoga, meditation, listening to music, singing, reading, laughing, praying, play with animals. You can also try to sit in the sun for some time in the morning or evening as it can boost good chemicals called endorphins and lower the blood pressure.
4. Weight loss: -
By reducing weight and maintaining it can help elevating the blood pressure
5. Limitation to alcohol: -
Drinking alcohol will raise the blood pressure.
6. Don’t smoke: -
The best thing you can do for your heart is to stop smoking. Smoking not only hurts you in long term but also increases in blood pressure. it is advised not to smoke to have a prolonged healthy life, if you require any help, you can speak to the doctor.
7. Eat Fish: -
The omega -3 fatty acids available in fish is very good in reducing the mild hypertension
8. Eat dark chocolate: -
Dark chocolate and cocoa powder are rich in flavonoids which are good for heart. Flavonoids are good because they dilate the blood vessels which help to lower the blood pressure. When you buy chocolate ensure it have a min of 70% of dark with less sugar. You can eat one or two a day.
9. Eat berries: -
Berries like strawberries, blue berries, raspberries, blackberries have many health benefits. They have lots of polyphenols, which are great for your heart. You can eat them daily. If you don’t like to eat every day you can consume it like a smoothie with yogurt or low fat milk without sugar.
10. Reduce processed sugar and refined carbohydrates: -
It is proved that many processed foods have high sugar and carbohydrates that can raise the blood pressure. it is not only the sweet sugar , but products like pastas, white bread convert to sugar very quickly . So it is better to avoid any such products. To have a healthy life and want to manage your blood pressure levels, you can set small goals which can be attainable. And when you reach that you can set a bigger one. This will help you to control on your food habits and also keeps you healthy and active.