Orthopaedics is a subdivision of medicine that primarily focuses on the musculoskeletal system. Initially, this surgical specialty mainly attended to the developmental deformities and the effects of polio in children, but today it has advanced to all the conditions and diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system in individuals of all ages.
Problems related to orthopaedics are looked after by giving medications, physical therapy, exercise, alternate therapies or by surgical procedures, which are minimally invasive and hence less traumatic to the body than traditional open surgery.
Vijay Hospital is the best orthopaedic hospital in Hosur. We administer treatment for patients with problems such as:
Sports injuries, Back pain, ruptured disks and spine disorders and problems, stenosis, Bone tumours’, Carpal tunnel, hand arthritis and hand injuries, Club foot, bow legs and hip dysplasia, Orthopaedic trauma, Limb lengthening, Achilles tendon injuries, bunions and foot and ankle injuries, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Total Knee Replacement, sprains, fractures, Joint replacement surgeries of knee, hip and upper limbs.
Our orthopaedic surgeons are highly skilled in surgical techniques from minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery to joint reconstructions and joint replacements. We provide customised care for every individual with the use of advanced techniques to give a perfect implant for every patient after understanding their age, anatomy, and lifestyle.
Arthroscopic surgery – Hip arthroscopy, Key hole surgery for disorders of the knee, shoulder, elbow and ankle, Trauma and Fracture surgery, fracture fixations, Limb lengthening, Correction of deformities.
Arthroscopic surgeries are performed to diagnose and treat the problems inside the joint. It is recommended if you have injured a joint, or for any inflammation in a joint. This procedure is performed on hip, knee, wrist, shoulder, elbow, or ankle. During this procedure the surgeon will insert a pencil thin instrument through a small incision. With the help of arthroscope which has camera and a light, the surgeon will look inside the joint and diagnose the problem. Surgeon can repair few types of joint damage during this procedure, using pencil thin surgical instruments which are inserted through additional small incisions. With arthroscopic surgery the conditions that are loose bone fragments, damaged cartilage, inflamed joint linings, ligaments, scarring with joints.
Joint replacements - Total Hip replacement, Total knee replacement, Total shoulder replacement, elbow replacement,Wrist replacement, Ankle joint replacement, Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery.
Joint replacement surgeries are performed to remove damaged or diseased parts of a joint and replace them with new, man-made parts with a metal or plastic that looks and functions just like your normal joint. It is recommended for patients who have tried non- surgical treatments but continue to experience pain.
Spinal Surgery - Fixation systems for fractures, Surgery for correction of spinal deformities, Endoscopic spine surgery, Disc surgery.
Spinal surgery is a minimally invasive surgery performed through several small incisions. The main benefit of this surgery is, it has a quick recovery time and very less complications. Some problems that can be corrected by this surgery are Herniated discs, spinal stenosis, spinal fusion and spinal deformity.
Herniated discs - Patients will have a severe pain caused by a pinched nerve. This nerved damage causes pain, numbness, weakness or sometimes partial paralysis. Ruptured disc material in the spine is mainly responsible for this pinched nerve. A surgery is performed to remove the ruptured disc material from the spinal canal with the help of microscope along with special instruments. Almost 90% patients report excellent pain relief after the microsurgery.
Spinal fusion: Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure performed to correct problems related to the small bones in the spine (vertebrae). It is just like a "welding" process. The main process of this is to fuse two or more vertebrae together so that they heal into a one solid bone. This surgery is done to eliminate painful movement or to restore stability to the spine.
Arthritis Treatment - We treat Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Infective arthritis, Traumatic arthritis.
Arthritis is inflammation in the joints; it will have the same symptoms of joint pain and stiffness.
Osteoarthritis causes cartilage, the hard tissue which covers the ends of the bones near the joint, to wear down. Rheumatoid arthritis is a disorder that targets the lining of the joints.
Paediatric Orthopaedics - Paediatric Orthopaedics is a special service that provides surgical and non-surgical treatment for children.
We treat Limb and spine deformities diagnosed at birth, Gait abnormalities, Bone or joint infections and tumours.